What is Monksee?

I make shit that makes me happy and that I want to wear. If you like it... great, if you don't.... great. I'm a miserable, happy, irreverent Aussie entrepreneur who has done ok so I don't give car about board meetings and spreadsheets. Monksee embraces the fact that life is short and in the end who cares what other people think because we'll all be dead one day so enjoy what time you have.

Who is Monksee? a simple prick, a comfort seeker who thinks a good t-shirt, jeans and shoes are a 3 piece suit. Leave the suit and tie for those trying to impress others.

“Impress Yourself and fuck the rest!” - Monksee


If something's wrong, we'll replace it. If you don't like it, we'll take it back - that's how we work. We love our stuff and we want you to love it too and be happy being part of the Monksee crew - simple, no fluff, no lawyer speak.... no bullshit.